- 31. ソウ / Saw (2004, Written and Directed by James Wan) / ゼロ年代
- 30. フィースト / Feast (2005, Directed by John Gulager) / モンスター
- 29. 28日後 / 28 Days Later (2002, Directed by Danny Boyle) / ゾンビ
- 28. Black Christmas (1974, Directed by Bob Clark)
- 27. 羊たちの沈黙 / Silence of the Lambs (1991, Directed by Jonathan Demme) / 殺人鬼
- 26. オーディション / Audition (1999, Directed by Takashi Miike) / アジアン・ホラー
- 25. 遊星からの物体X / The Thing (1982, Directed by John Carpenter) / モンスター
- 24. エイリアン2 / Aliens (1986, Directed by James Cameron) / モンスター
- 23. ハイテンション / Haute Tension (2005, Directed by Alexandre Aja)
- 22. サスペリア / Suspiria (1977, Directed by Dario Argento) / 魔女
- 21. ジョーズ / Jaws (1975, Directed by Steven Spielberg)
- 20. サンゲリア / Zombi 2 (1980, Directed by Lucio Fulci) / ゾンビ
- 19. The EYE 【アイ】/ The Eye (2002, Directed by the Pang Brothers) / アジアン・ホラー
- 18. フラリティー / Frailty (2001, Directed by Bill Paxton) / デビル
- 17. 悪魔のいけにえ / Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974, Directed by Tobe Hooper) / 殺人鬼
- 16. May (2002, Written and Directed by Lucky McKee)
- 15. White Zombie (1932, Directed by Victor Halperin) / ゾンビ
- 14. キャリー / Carrie (1976, Directed by Brian De Palma) / 超常現象
- 13. ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド / Shaun of the Dead (2004, Directed by Edgar Wright) / ゾンビ
- 12. 13日の金曜日 / Friday the 13th (1980, Directed by Sean S. Cunningham) / 殺人鬼
- 11. ブレインデッド / Braindead/Dead Alive (1992, Directed by Peter Jackson) / ゾンビ
- 10. 死霊のはらわた / The Evil Dead (1981, Directed by Sam Raimi) / ゾンビ
- 9. サイコ / Psycho (1960, Directed by Alfred Hitchcock)
- 8. エルム街の悪夢 / A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, Directed by Wes Craven) / 殺人鬼
- 7. シャイニング / The Shining (1980, Directed by Stanley Kubrick) / 超常現象
- 6. ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド / Night of the living Dead (1968, Directed by Dean Lachiusa & George A. Romero) / ゾンビ
- 5. ハロウィン / Halloween (1978, Directed by John Carpenter) / 殺人鬼
- 4. ゾンビ / Dawn of the Dead (1978, Written and Directed by George A. Romero) / ゾンビ
- 3. ディセント / The Descent (2005, Directed by Neil Marshall) / ゼロ年代
- 2. エイリアン / Alien (1979, Directed by Ridley Scott) / エイリアン
- 1. エクソシスト / The Exorcist (1973, Directed by William Friedkin) / デビル